Animating UMG Widgets in Unreal with Latent Actions and C++

In this blog post, I will talk about one of the many cool things I developed for Crow Down Showdown: My C++ Widget animation system! It's gonna be a more technical post aimed at programmers, but everyone is welcome to read, just be warned that you might become one of us! Continue Reading...

Introducing Crow Down Showdown! Q&A and Free Demo!

What's up, gamers? :v I hope you're all staying safe. It's been a while since my last post, huh? But that doesn't mean I haven't been busy! 👀 In fact, I have been busier than ever, and today I am very happy to share the result of many months of hard work - a demo which you can download and play on your Windows PC right now! 👀 I'm sure everyone has lots of questions about the game and what I've been doing, so I thought it would be fun to have a Q&A-style post this time... Continue Reading...

Programming an Animated Bomb in Unreal Engine 4 – And having a blast while doing it!💣

The best part of being a solo game developer is that you have full control over every aspect of your game. And the worst part of being a solo game developer is that you are responsible for every aspect of your game. (...) A few months ago, I added a Bomb Blueprint to my project. It was easy enough to find a good 3D model of a bomb, but I wanted my bomb to have an animated fuze that got shorter with time... Continue Reading...

The Cylindrical Parallax Platformer! (a.k.a. That time Renan went overboard with Render Textures)

Before I continue talking about my main project, I'd like to share this game I made in early 2019. It was my final project for a Unity course I took for my job, using free assets from the Asset Store. I was making a regular 2D platformer at first, but then I found out about Render Textures and thought they were super cool, so I tried something unique with them to make my project stand out more, because it looked kinda lame before. I was already using layered groups to achieve a traditional parallax effect, but then I thought: "What if I could make these layers cylindrical?" So I created this cool script called CylindricalWorldSpawner... Continue Reading...

3D Bash in Unreal Engine!

Some time ago, I played a really cool game called Ori and the Blind Forest. It's an excellent 2D metroidvania/platformer with beautiful art, music and some very interesting game mechanics. My favorite out of them is called Bash, and it allows you to freeze time when you get near an enemy or shiny object, aim at any direction, and then throw yourself in that direction, while throwing the other object/enemy in the opposite direction. It allows for really cool platforming, combat and puzzles, all at the same time! I wondered what a 3D version of this mechanic would be like, so I set out create it in Unreal Engine 4! Continue Reading...